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Donate + Volunteer + Share + Educate


If you are interested in volunteering please call 330-330-8166 to discuss our many opportunities to help.

We have many programs that require different amounts of skill and time commitments.

Thank you for your support. 



 Trap - Neuter + Release
This is by far the greatest need. This involves helping trap feral cats that need to be neutered and vaccinated.

Once trapping and hold time is complete, cats need to be transported and returned, when ready, to the colony


 Communications + Community
This involves helping with newsletters, mailings, and other types of correspondence,

as well as advertising and website monitoring.


This involves soliciting donations and grants for the organization.

Also, volunteering at our various events. You can also bake for our bake sales

and make cat toys and other items for us to sell.
General Help
This involves various errands including donation pick-up,

food/litter drop off, paperwork, data entry. Time commitment is flexible.


This involves going to meetings for the various boards and

committees/organizations that are required to remain a non-profit rescue group.


 Feral Colony Management
This involves time to bring food to a local colony of feral (unsocialized) cats.

Also need to be aware of changes, additional cats, or sick cats in the group.


 Foster Care
This involves caring for a cat or cats awaiting adoption.

TNR of Warren, Inc. provides food and medical care.

Save Lives in Your Pajamas

When you use Amazon Smile
your purchases can help us
save more lives.
You can also help by donating
wet or dry dog & cat food
to our NE Ohio pet pantry,
Boostie's Kibble Kupboard.
And don't forget about
our Amazon Wishlist!
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